Welcome to Dolphin Fencing Club

We are a friendly, relaxed club based in Crosby near Liverpool where we fence Foil, Epee Sabre.

Fencers of all levels are welcome so if you a beginner looking to start fencing or an experienced fencer just passing through then you more than welcome to come along.

No need to register! You can turn up on the night if you want to fence.

Christmas dates 2024

Why Fencing?

It’s a great way to keep fit and people of all ages and fitness levels can start fencing.

You’ll also be working out more that just your muscles – fencing is very strategic so speed and power alone will not be enough, you need to fence smarter than your opponent too if you want to win.

As a solo sport you can go at your own pace, whether you want to take it slow and work on your point control or charge down the piste, our members can help you practice how you want to.


The Crosby United Reformed Church Hall 
Eshe Road 
L23 3AR


Thursdays 20:30 – 21:30


Students: £3
Adults: £6





We’ve worked with some of the best companies.

Joining the Club

Blah blah blah